Bailey’s rods, produced to British Telecom specification, are made from PVC in lengths up to 3 metres, fitted
with brass joints. The joints can be either Ferret type as supplied to British Telecom. In addition a 250 metre
PVC coil is available.
Type Of Joint
Ferret joints operate on the principle of a spring loaded pin engaging into a mating hole when the joints are
screwed together. The trigger, which is flush with the body of the joint, is pressed for quick release. This
ensures total security of the joint.This type of joint is favored as there are no sharp edges to damage existing
cable in the duct, or the duct itself.Ferret joints are made in two sizes (for 15⁄16" and 1⁄2" diameter rods).
To couple the different sizes together an adapter is used.
Rods are supplied in yellow.
Glass Fibre Rods
We offer 10mm diameter white solid glass fibre rods. These are more rigid than the 1⁄2" PVC rods. They are fitted with non-locking joints which will not couple with any other type of joint. These rods must be rotated clockwise in use to help prevent them becoming unscrewed.
Duct Roding Equipment & Accessories
Bailey Ferret Leader and Follower - For Various Adaptors
Duct Roding Equipment & Accessories